PCStitch gives me an error when I try to open a PVF file. Why?
We have two different type of files on our site. PCStitch files (PAT) and Pattern Viewer files (PVF). They both contain patterns, but they are printed differently.
PCStitch Files: PAT files work with our PCStitch software. They are data files, where each stitch, style and line in the design is stored cataloged. When PAT files are printed with our software, you can customize the printout, such as printing in color or B&W, or changing the size of the printout. You can modify the design if you own a copy of PCStitch. Pat files are designed with PCStithc software and give stitchers the most flexibility and customization on the printout.
Pattern Viewer Files: PVF files, or Pattern Viewer files are different. They are more like “Pictures” of the leaflet provided by the designer. Although stitchers can not modify the design or change the printout, the advantage of this format is that the designer has total control of the presentation of the printout. So, if they want to put notes, or special instructions and pictures in their printout, they can do so. PVF files give the designer the most flexibility in designing their final output to the consumer.
Why do we have both? Well, some designers want to give the consumer the flexibility, while others want to ensure their “vision” of the design is what is presented to you, the stitcher. Both ideas are good. So, offering both platforms allows us to service the most designers and consumers. In the end, it is the designer who chooses how their artwork is presented to you.
Software: PCStitch can ONLY open PAT files. The software will give you an error if you try to open a PVF file. The reason is because PCStitch has no idea what to do with that sort of data. The Free PCStitch Pattern Viewer, (You can download it from our site) will open BOTH file types… So, if you have a PAT file, you can open it with either PCStitch or the viewer, but if you have a PVF file, you must use the pattern viewer.
So regarding software: If you only want patterns that you can use with your PCStitch software, then you should ensure you only select patterns that are available in PCStitch format. If you wish to select any pattern on our site, make sure you have a copy of the Pattern Viewer installed. It really is that simple!
Click Here to download the Pattern Viewer which will open either file type!