All I see on the screen is a picture. Where is the pattern grid and symbols?
Here is what is going on…
The pattern you are trying to view is a PVF, or Pattern Viewer file. It is still a pattern file, but it is different then a PAT, or PCStitch file. Here is an explanation of the two.
A PCStitch file was created using our design software. Since we have the location, style, and color of every stitch in the pattern, we can do many different things with the printout. PAT files can be printed in color or black & white. We can also control the size of the printed grid and other options. PCStitch Pattern Files give you the most control on the output, but the downside is they must be converted by us or the designer into this format.
The other type of file on our site is a PVF, or Pattern Viewer File. The difference is a PVF file is more like a “picture” of the printout. It gives the designer the total control because they can use any design software to create it. It allows them to put their own touches in the printout. PVF files are great because the designer can make sure you, the consumer, sees the output they want. The drawback is you can not make adjustments or customize the printout. A PVF file prints the way it was designed by the designer with no chance to change it…
OK, Back to the question at hand.. When the viewer opens a PVF file, it ONLY DISPLAYS A PICTURE on the screen. But, when you print it, you get the entire design layout as defined by the designer.
Solution: Go ahead and print the pattern. Everything you need will be there…